Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Fall Ya'll

With Christmas almost upon us, I realized I haven't posted any Fall pictures.  We visited the strangest pumpkin patch nearby.  It had this "used car lot" feel to it.  The pumpkin keeper refused to tell me the price of any of the pumpkins and repeatedly asked me how much money I had on me.  Said she was slashing prices and it was my lucky day.  Weird experience, but we picked out a few beautiful pumpkins and they made yummy puree so I'm happy. 

This one truly captures my boy's personalities

Boys will be boys

They were really impressed with the size of this pumpkin

Mason's scared face

I think he is ready for the farm

Friday, November 18, 2011

Doggie Hide and Seek

About noon, Mason asked, "Where's Bowden?".  Our Shih Tzu is so lazy, he will literally lay in the same spot for hours like a feline.  At this point I was not worried.  I called him...nothing.  That's weird.  I went upstairs and open the bedroom door s{sometimes he gets stuck in rooms}.  Nada.  Really weird.  Came back downstairs and looked in the garage.  Nope.  I started to think I had let him out in yard and totally forgot about him.  I'm losing it, I thought.  Finally after about 30 minutes, I see this crazy looking white stuff on the family room floor.  Bowden was trapped under the recliner!  He must of crawled under there while I was holding Mason.  Never made a sound while I was calling him or running around the house.  I opened the foot rest and he came flying out of there, totally unscathed.  Crazy!   

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Oh Deer {LOL}

Looks like our deer feeder is a success...

While the boys and I were naming him, Ty was going to get his gun...men.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

All My Children

There is something very wrong with this picture...

We have a crazy little Shih Tzu named Bowden.  I do love him, but to keep it real, he is the laziest and dumbest dog I've met.  He is also the sweetest which is totally redeeming.  Before the school year started we wanted to time our walk from the house to the school.  Ty and I loaded the boys in the stroller and leashed up Bowden.  We made it one 1/16th of a mile before Bowden simply refused to walk.  At all.  Just laid in grass panting for dear life. We had literally walked for about 4 minutes.  What a wiener.  He ended up riding on top of the boys stroller the way...what a life.